Monday, April 27, 2015

Flat or Progressive?

There are so many pros and cons to this subject. I believe that it is not fair for the people who have went to college for 8 years and got a degree in something is not fair for them to pay so much more money than everyone else. They were the ones that got off their butts and went to college and did something with their life to help themselves and other people, they should not be the ones that have to suffer the greater taxes.  But then there are also the people that never went to college and live off the state and complain about the flat tax rate because it just makes the poor poorer. Well if you are poor get off your butt and get a job. I was reading some of the reviews on and it is just ridiculous how people think.  I understand that there are lots of people out there that are physically unable to get jobs but there are also the people out there that completely just use the state for money and just keep having kids so the people that ACTUALLY have good jobs and make a steady amount of money have to pay for all of them. On the reviews you can tell all the people that say that flat tax rate is a bad idea is all people who don’t have jobs and don’t make very much money. They tell us how they have lost three jobs and how they are on disability and everything, which I understand, but how can you punish the people that actually went out a made a living instead of the people who just sit at home and go on a review site and cry about a flat tax rate and how poor they are?!  I think a flat tax rate is a good idea.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Holocaust/Japenese Atrocity

I love studying the Holocaust! Obviously both of these horrible tragedies are completely insane and not okay.  I believe that the Holocaust killed a monstrous amount of people (6 million).  But the Japanese atrocity was like crazy things that nobody would think of doing and only people that are mentally ill would think of. Like spinning people around like a cat in a washer machine until they die or freezing people to death and then unthawing them and cutting off their limbs. THINGS LIKE THIS ARE NOT OKAY. That is why I think that the Japanese people were way crazier than the Germans. Don’t get me wrong, I think the Germans were crazy too but the Japanese people did things that really made me cringe and want to throw up worse than the Holocaust stories.

It actually makes me really really mad that our government took their research in exchange to keep our mouths shut about the horrible murders that they committed. I think that is so stupid and I wish that we wouldn’t have done that. I don’t understand the sense in that at all. I wonder how the Americans felt when they saw all the film about how bad the Japanese atrocity was, and what they did to cover it up. There was no sense in us covering that up, there were so many innocent lives that were lost in both of these stupid wars and I wish that someone would have done something about it. It is hard being the person speaking about it in the future because I have nowhere close to a good idea about how any of these people felt or acted but this is how I feel about it.

The doctor of the Holocaust “angel of death” is so odd and I can’t imagine the weird stuff that went through his head.  If there would have been more doctors like him then I believe that the Holocaust would have been worse than the Japanese Atrocity but for now I believe that it is worse.


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Tricky Dick

Richard Nixon was the United States 37th and wasn’t necessarily remembered as one of our best presidents. Richard got the United States out of the Vietnam War, he re-opens relations with China by recognizing them, and he armed control with the Soviet Union. So I don’t think that this was the worst possible president that we could have ever had but he was probably pretty close. I believe one of the best things that he did was make relations with China. If Nixon wouldn’t have made a friendship with China it would have caused so many issues down the road with China and Russia. China definitely would be bombing our country today if he hadn’t of done this. I think that China still kind of hates us but Nixon kind of mended some of those relationships. One of Nixon’s main policies was the Vietnamization. Nixon succeeded in the Vietnam war by the end of 1973. But he also did some not so good things and it seems like the people only remember the things that aren’t so good about Richard Nixon. I believe that he was a good man with bad intentions.

But yes, he did do bad things like everyone says and there were people out there that set out to make him look bad that those guys that helped Frost in the movie. Nixon obviously played a huge part in the Watergate scandal, he basically bombed Cambodia without a reason (people say), and he did a lot of deficit spending. In the movie, it showed that he was really big about money and wanted more money all the time. But one of the biggest and worst things he had to do with was probably the Watergate scandal and then tried to cover it up. This is quite possibly the worst thing you could do esepically with being the president of our country.  I really liked the movie that we watched about him because it made me understand things way better about the Frost Nixon ordeal. I believe that that movie was really cool and made things seem so real. My favorite part was when David Frost gave Richard Nixon the pair of Italian shoes. It really makes you think of why he gave him the shoes, did he feel bad for him or was he just rubbing it in? I personally think that he gave him the shoes because Nixon finally cleared his name and now he is basically free.

I don’t like the fact that Nixon wire tapped people and lied to the American people. It made him look really bad and that is definitely why all the American people turned against him. He hired tons of people to do his dirty work and all he cared about was money.  Even in the movie it looked like all he cared about was money. I really liked that it showed how he actually was. I am so glad that we got to watch the movie about him and that we got to learn about Richard Nixon.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Ink Blot

I think that the test that we took was somewhat accurate. It was kind of fun to take and see what you thought everything was. I’m really happy that I am not classified as a paranoid person or a schizophrenic or a pervert. I am surprisely normal. I think that this was a pretty cool test and I am glad we took it. I think some people in our class will actually take a real IQ test.  I think it was cool that some of the pictures could be classified as the mother picture or the picture of what you think of your father. I don’t understand how they make these slides but I think that it is kind of cool. Some of the slides were hard to tell what they looked like because I didn’t see anything in a lot of them until I looked really close. I think that it was kind of cool to listen to what everyone else saw on the pictures too. It was also kind of hard to tell some of the things that were listed on that website, because most of them I couldn’t even see. I couldn’t see the sexual things or most of the stuff that the schizophrenics saw.

Friday, February 13, 2015


In the Senate

February 9, 2015

Senators: Tory Hoines, Amanda Cooper, and Tess Williams

To establish: All schools are required to go to four day weeks (SB2424)
Section 1

  1. Be enacted by the Senate and
  2. House of Representatives of the
  3. United States of America in
  4. Congress assembled that

Section 2: Specifications

  1. The school day will begin at 8:00 AM and dismiss students at 3:30 PM.

Section 3: penalties

  1. Schools that don’t cooperate will not be allowed to do any extra-curricular activities including any sporting activities.
  2. Teachers will not be invited to summer classes and will not be able to continue their education and will eventually not be certified to teach.

Section 4:

  1. The Christmas vacation will be determined by the hours that are needed and there will not be teachers in-service because we will have all Fridays off.
  2. Other holiday vacations are to be decided by each individual school system.
  3. Fridays will be used to make up any snow day or extra hours needed at the end of the year.

Section 5:

  1. All laws or parts of laws in conflict
  2. herewith are hereby repealed to the
  3. extent of the conflict.
  4. If any portion of this act is declared
  5. unconstitutional, it is the intention
  6. of this legislature that the other
  7. portions  shall remain in full force
  8. and effect.

Governor’s signature

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Martin Luther King said:  "I imagine you already know that I am much more socialistic in my economic theory than capitalistic. And yet I am not so opposed to capitalism that I have failed to see its relative merits. It started out with a noble and high motive, viz., to block the trade monopolies of nobles, but like most human systems it fell victim to the very thing it was revolting against. So today capitalism has out-lived its usefulness. It has brought about a system that takes necessities from the masses to give luxuries to the classes."  Socialistic is a social and economic system characterized by social ownership of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy, as well as a political theory and movement that aims at the establishment of such a system. Capitalistic is an economic system in which trade, industries, and the means of production are largely or entirely privately owned and operated for profit. Central characteristics of capitalism include private property, capital accumulation, wage labor and, in many models, competitive markets. He is saying that capitalism has already out lived itself and that was in the 1950’s….so can you imagine how much it has out lived itself now?! He is saying that it has outlived its usefulness and was not useful as it used to be. I think that Martin Luther King knows what he is taking about and he is a very good man. I also think everyone really listened to him because he was one of the first black people to become famous for his public speaking. He was a very good public speaker and always seemed to know what he was talking about. I think that for capitalism to take away the necessities to give the rich people their luxuries is so wrong! Capitalism is definitely not what a person with a lot of money wants.  I think that socialism is a lot better than capitalism because it is not taking away anything from anyone.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

John Adams' Quote

John Adams was our second president of the United States and he states “Democracy ... while it lasts, is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There was never a democracy that did not commit suicide.” This is a really wordy and confusing quote and it really makes our class think out of the box. So trying to understand this I had to look up the words that I didn’t understand.  An aristocracy means that they are the “highest class in certain societies, especially those holding hereditary titles or offices” A monarchy “is a system of government in which one person reigns, usually a king or queen”. So I think that the quote is saying that while democracy is still is in our country it is basically just going to destroy itself and it also says that there has never been a democracy that hasn’t already killed itself. Although, this is only one person’s feelings it is still a very strong opinion and is obviously pretty popular and well liked since I am writing a 400 word blog about it. It is also saying that democracy is a way worse thing than aristocracy (highest class) and monarchy (kings and queens). So if we have democracy for as long as the people think we will then the democracy will basically just kill itself off because the democracy in our country is basically doing that already. I wonder what our Four Fathers think about how our government and democracy runs now. I think that this was a good quote from John Adams and was smart for people like him to realize so early in life rather than figuring it out now when it is almost too late.  John Adams was an American Founding Father; Adams was a statesman, diplomat, and a leading advocate of American independence from Great Britain. He was already a Vice President in the White House before he was president which really helps because he probably knew what he was doing when he got into the Presidents spot. Thomas Jefferson was also John Adams’ Vice President so that means right after John Adams time was done then Thomas Jefferson was president because he was the third presidents of the United States. It is really nice that these Presidents got to experience both spots in the White House.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Thoughts on Bicameral Government

The reasons that they formed bicameral Government is because it would benefit both the small states and the bigger states.  I also believe the reason that we went into bicameral is because the British parliament has had it since the 1300’s so that is the only thing that our country knew. The Framers who were people who shaped and created a concept or a plan had to create a two partied government to settle the conflict between the Virginia and the New Jersey Plans in Philadelphia in 1787. The Framers liked the bicameral Congress in order that one house might act as a check on the other.


I believe that this was a good thing but bad thing.  I am in favor of it favoring both small and big states because I think every state should be equal but I don’t think at the time our congress knew what it was doing when we changed to a Bicameral government. We only did that because Great Britain had it and that’s all that we knew of.  I wonder what our country would have done if Great Britain didn’t have a government and we were the first to start a government.