Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Holocaust/Japenese Atrocity

I love studying the Holocaust! Obviously both of these horrible tragedies are completely insane and not okay.  I believe that the Holocaust killed a monstrous amount of people (6 million).  But the Japanese atrocity was like crazy things that nobody would think of doing and only people that are mentally ill would think of. Like spinning people around like a cat in a washer machine until they die or freezing people to death and then unthawing them and cutting off their limbs. THINGS LIKE THIS ARE NOT OKAY. That is why I think that the Japanese people were way crazier than the Germans. Don’t get me wrong, I think the Germans were crazy too but the Japanese people did things that really made me cringe and want to throw up worse than the Holocaust stories.

It actually makes me really really mad that our government took their research in exchange to keep our mouths shut about the horrible murders that they committed. I think that is so stupid and I wish that we wouldn’t have done that. I don’t understand the sense in that at all. I wonder how the Americans felt when they saw all the film about how bad the Japanese atrocity was, and what they did to cover it up. There was no sense in us covering that up, there were so many innocent lives that were lost in both of these stupid wars and I wish that someone would have done something about it. It is hard being the person speaking about it in the future because I have nowhere close to a good idea about how any of these people felt or acted but this is how I feel about it.

The doctor of the Holocaust “angel of death” is so odd and I can’t imagine the weird stuff that went through his head.  If there would have been more doctors like him then I believe that the Holocaust would have been worse than the Japanese Atrocity but for now I believe that it is worse.


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