Monday, October 13, 2014

Same Sex Marriage

The amendment that I would like to add to the constitution is the same sex marriage amendment. I think that it should be legal for a man and man or woman and woman to get married. If these people are happy with that person, then why can’t they get married? Twenty nine states have already made this legal, so why can’t our country just make it legal? I believe that these people deserve to be happy, just like us. Yes, it is a little deceiving if you see them in the street PDAing but if that is what makes them happy then it shouldn’t be any different than seeing a guy and a girl PDAing. If I was to write this amendment it would say “Any two individuals can get married” and it would be the 28th amendment of the constitution. Sixteen other countries (and parts of Mexico) also have laws allowing same sex marriage. It is time for change.


  1. I thought that it was a good blog. I don't agree with the subject but that is just me. Overall it was a well written blog.

  2. It's a good blog, I don't agree with the subject of the blog. However I do believe it is something that should be voted on by the American people. #Power to the people

  3. Your blog was very good. Its very interesting that you want to do this amendment. I agree that people should be happy with whoever they want to be with.
