Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Tricky Dick

Richard Nixon was the United States 37th and wasn’t necessarily remembered as one of our best presidents. Richard got the United States out of the Vietnam War, he re-opens relations with China by recognizing them, and he armed control with the Soviet Union. So I don’t think that this was the worst possible president that we could have ever had but he was probably pretty close. I believe one of the best things that he did was make relations with China. If Nixon wouldn’t have made a friendship with China it would have caused so many issues down the road with China and Russia. China definitely would be bombing our country today if he hadn’t of done this. I think that China still kind of hates us but Nixon kind of mended some of those relationships. One of Nixon’s main policies was the Vietnamization. Nixon succeeded in the Vietnam war by the end of 1973. But he also did some not so good things and it seems like the people only remember the things that aren’t so good about Richard Nixon. I believe that he was a good man with bad intentions.

But yes, he did do bad things like everyone says and there were people out there that set out to make him look bad that those guys that helped Frost in the movie. Nixon obviously played a huge part in the Watergate scandal, he basically bombed Cambodia without a reason (people say), and he did a lot of deficit spending. In the movie, it showed that he was really big about money and wanted more money all the time. But one of the biggest and worst things he had to do with was probably the Watergate scandal and then tried to cover it up. This is quite possibly the worst thing you could do esepically with being the president of our country.  I really liked the movie that we watched about him because it made me understand things way better about the Frost Nixon ordeal. I believe that that movie was really cool and made things seem so real. My favorite part was when David Frost gave Richard Nixon the pair of Italian shoes. It really makes you think of why he gave him the shoes, did he feel bad for him or was he just rubbing it in? I personally think that he gave him the shoes because Nixon finally cleared his name and now he is basically free.

I don’t like the fact that Nixon wire tapped people and lied to the American people. It made him look really bad and that is definitely why all the American people turned against him. He hired tons of people to do his dirty work and all he cared about was money.  Even in the movie it looked like all he cared about was money. I really liked that it showed how he actually was. I am so glad that we got to watch the movie about him and that we got to learn about Richard Nixon.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Ink Blot

I think that the test that we took was somewhat accurate. It was kind of fun to take and see what you thought everything was. I’m really happy that I am not classified as a paranoid person or a schizophrenic or a pervert. I am surprisely normal. I think that this was a pretty cool test and I am glad we took it. I think some people in our class will actually take a real IQ test.  I think it was cool that some of the pictures could be classified as the mother picture or the picture of what you think of your father. I don’t understand how they make these slides but I think that it is kind of cool. Some of the slides were hard to tell what they looked like because I didn’t see anything in a lot of them until I looked really close. I think that it was kind of cool to listen to what everyone else saw on the pictures too. It was also kind of hard to tell some of the things that were listed on that website, because most of them I couldn’t even see. I couldn’t see the sexual things or most of the stuff that the schizophrenics saw.