Friday, September 19, 2014

NFL Drama

In the past month there has been several NFL players charged with physical/domestic abuse towards women and children. I believe that any kind of abuse is wrong on so many levels. But what about the physical abuse that other people endure every day?  You would never hear on FOX News that someone from Langford, SD beat up there kid and left a scar. But the real question is how do you know when the line has been crossed from child abuse to child discipline?

I believe that the NFL doesn’t have the right to publicly humiliate these players on social media and the news. Just because these players are social icons, shouldn’t mean that they should be subject to humiliation to the entire country and world. 

I also believe that it is ridiculous that their stories which happened months ago. I understand that what they are doing is wrong, but why didn’t this come up when it happened instead of four months later? Are people just coming out with this because it’s such a hot topic in the news? I don’t like how they make it such a big deal and you have to read, hear, and see it everywhere you go. Child abuse happens every day and I believe that it is an issue that needs to be dealt with differently.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

My homie Abe

The movie “Lincoln” was one of my favorite movies that we have watched in government class. I didn’t know too much about the 13th amendment and this movie really helped me understand what the whole effort was about and how President Lincoln worked to abolish slavery.  There are so many questions that I would ask President Lincoln but one of them would be how did he have the bravery to be different? When everyone had slavery in their homes and plantations and were adapted to living with it and he had the nerve to say no and try to change all of it is so amazing to me. It’s so hard to be the one person in a group of people to lead such a massive effort against an established institution.

I don’t believe that Lincoln abused his powers when he was in the White House. I believe that he did the right thing and should be remembered as a great man who freed the slaves. Obviously, I don’t know everything that he did when he was president but from what I learned I believe that he was a good man and tried to do the right thing. A lot of people say that President Obama abuses his powers as president. The only reason that I would believe that he abuses his powers is because of the fact that he passed legislation that force Obama Care on the people. I don’t believe that you can force someone to have a particular kind of insurance. People should have the choice of that for themselves. I don’t believe that Obama and Lincoln are very similar. Lincoln was in office when we were going through a Civil War within our country. He had to make drastic changes because he was going through a drastic time. Obama is not going through a tough time while he is in office.  So I’ve always wondered how President Obama would handle being in the position of what Abraham Lincoln was in.